Silvia Evans

From the fierce world of finance, to finding happiness in health.

5 years ago I made the decision to focus my energy and efforts on unlocking the secrets behind health, weight loss and performance at work. I knew there had to be a different path, suited to those who were like myself, working in a high-pressure environment, short on time and needed to increase energy, whilst elevating mood and seeing visible results in the mirror without starvation or hours in the gym. What I discovered was life changing.

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If you're currently sacrificing your health & happiness for work. You need to read this!

I was once just like you, burning the candle at both ends, the daily pressure to perform an ever increasing work load. I spent over a decade climbing the ladder.

I just about held it together. If only I knew then, what I know now. I say this because I want you to know I was once in your shoes and I understand how hard it can be pushing the boundaries at work, the pressure, the overwhelm, the need to go, go, go.

I want to invite you to a new possibility. The idea that you can have balance. The notion that you can be healthy, happy and extremely successful.

I Invested tens of thousands and years of my life developing the Life Reboot System™ to help over-whelmed professionals just like you, reclaim their health and body confidence. Are you ready to make lasting change?

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Now its your turn

Take the next step by scheduling a discovery call, on this call we will review your current situation, clarify your goals and strategise on the best route forward.